Logo Family hotel Lagant

Cancellation options

Anticipation is the greatest joy.
Book securely now with the flexible rebooking options.

Would you like to book your holiday without the risk of cancellation costs? That's now possible!

At fam Hotels you can enjoy the Flex cancellation conditions with free cancellation up to 14 days before arrival.

Flex cancellation conditions

  • Free cancellation up to 14 days before arrival at the hotel

  • 14 to 7 days before arrival 33% of the agreed package price is due

  • less than 7 days before arrival and in case of no-show 90 % of the agreed package price is due.


  • Cancellation is free of charge up to 31 days before arrival at the hotel

  • 30 to 7 days before arrival 33 % of the agreed package price is due

  • less than 7 days before arrival and in case of no-show 90 % of the agreed package price is due.

  • valid in winter at the following times: 22.12.-06.01.24 + 10.02.-24.02.24

ravel cancellation insurance

Many credit card contracts have travel cancellation insurance included as standard. If you do not have cancellation insurance, we recommend that you take out "HotelCancellation Plus" travel cancellation & trip interruption insurance. For more information on the benefits, the premium and how you can take out the insurance, please see the following link: http://hotel.europaeische.at/plus?AGN=10015170

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Logo Family hotel Lagant
Rates + booking