Logo Family hotel Lagant

Parent-child experiences in nature

Unforgettable moments of happiness on a family vacation

There is often a lack of time in hectic everyday life. This makes it all the more important to take time for each other on vacation and enjoy real family experiences. With the sociable parent-child experiences at Hotel Lagant, you can enjoy valuable "family time" and get to know like-minded people.

Real adventures, nature up close and precious family moments!

Valuable time together

In the weekly program of the Lagant family hotel, you can expect a variety of parent-child experiences that are very popular. These special moments will become unforgettable memories that will stay with you as a family for years to come and will be remembered with a sigh of happiness.

  • Family hike with sociable picnic

  • Torchlight hike through the winter forest

  • Family nature Olympics

  • Raclette fun on the sun terrace

  • Fun in the snow on a tobogganing afternoon

  • Wood workshop - we build an insect house

  • and many other family highlights

Climate-friendly accommodation. For many years, we have been committed to climate protection, biodiversity, regionality, resource conservation and social interaction.

Logo Family hotel Lagant
Rates + booking